4 months on…


What can I say?  With 300 members of the Facebook group (feel free to join us here) and over 800 Instagram followers (check out the feed here) Suzy Stick It has grown more in the last 4 months than I could ever have imagined.

I wanted to take the time to say “Thank You” to every single person who has bought from the store, liked a picture, promoted Suzy Stick It to friends, family and others online, and who continues to support me in so many ways. A special thanks to those who support me online, both behind the scenes and in the various planner forums – to Rachel, Alex, Masie, Anna, Dani, Karen, Lisa, Fiona, Kelly (and Kelly), Katie, Karen and all the other ladies who run stores of their own but have the time to support me (and each other) in our endeavours – you’re all amazing, inspirational and a wonderful bunch of people.

I think that I’ve grown as an individual: I am constantly thinking of products that you might like, ways in which to use the existing product lines to show their versatility, and I am making friends, business contacts and links across the world every day.  It’s a constant juggle – I have a full time job that I am dedicated to, and which I am fortunate enough has furnished me with skills which I use when running the business (and similarly the skills I am learning online feed back into my ‘real’ job).  I fit Suzy Stick It in around an already packed calendar (which was, frankly, the reason I started planning in a “proper” planner in the first place) and I am grateful to you all for accepting my late night replies to your questions, and my posts on Facebook at odd times!

I am learning patience, understanding and the art of truly listening to my customers and their needs.  And I feel better for it. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow the tiny seed of an idea into a real life business, which is growing day by day.  Come with me on this incredible journey, take part in the forums in which I participate, tell me what you love or wish to see in future and in return I offer you my unconditional promise to try, always, to do the right thing by you – to offer good products and great prices and to follow your creativity wherever it leads us.

Here’s to the next 4 months!

Suzy xx